Markets | Phillips Wealth Planners - Part 3

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COVID-19 Update – Stocks Continue to Rally, Await Reopening of U.S. Economy

Each day brings more news – some of it encouraging, some of it not – about our efforts to curtail the spread of COVID-19 and reopen the U.S. economy. Lawmakers at the federal, state and local levels are trying to find the appropriate time to reopen the economy, as well as ways to support people […]

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Market Recap – Markets Rebound and Trade Tensions Ease as July Begins

The threat of further tariffs is diminished in the near term following the much anticipated meeting of President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday at the Group of 20 (G20) summit in Osaka, Japan, reports Washington Policy Analyst Ed Mills. The pair made commitments to restart trade negotiations, resume certain shipments to Huawei, and for China to purchase a to-be-defined amount of U.S. agricultural products. Mills thinks the immediate market reaction will be positive. However, it’s unclear what the long-term implications may be, and no timeline was set for the next round of talks.

Market Recap – Quarter 1 of 2019 Calls for Cautious Optimism

Economic reports that were delayed due to the government shutdown have trickled in to reveal the economy slowed a bit more than expected in early 2019, reports Raymond James Chief Economist Scott Brown. However, the recent conclusion of the Mueller investigation with no pending indictments should serve as a market positive, according to Ed Mills, Raymond James managing director and Washington policy analyst.

Market Recap – February takes a slow – yet promising – pace

While factors including the partial government shutdown and trade policy uncertainty brought us into the New Year with increased downside risks, February seemed more promising, points out Raymond James Chief Economist Scott Brown: a potential U.S.-China trade agreement appeared on the horizon and the United Kingdom is considering a revote on Brexit.